Step 1 - Send Your Bio by filling out the form field below
Simply type your bio into the form field below or add it via the upload link.
PHOTOS – To ensure the website looks great, here’s an example link to create a natural looking photo – CLICK HERE.
Please step outside, make sure there are no other people in the background and take a “waist-up” image on a good quality iphone.
If you can make sure you retain some background space as per the example link that would be great. I can then cut and crop your photograph. Please send through in the largest size. For your convenience, you can text them direct to my phone on 041 334 7737 or use the upload link.
Thank you!
Step 2 - Request a Private Login Portal
If you’d like to update your bio anytime via the website directly, please fill out the form below. As security, your email address will be reviewed for approval. Once approved, you will receive an email with Private Portal Access and easy instructions on ‘how to’ interact with your page.
Thank you!